
About Our Website

C&N Climbing is a website developed by Chris and Nico. Founded in early 2024, its purpose is to provide people with the resources they need to get into climbing. Our website was originally developed using only HTML and CSS to allow a suitable experience for people with Javascript and other features disabled. We then added bells and whistles for our users with more features enabled using Javascript and Vue.js.

Meet The Developers


Hello, I am Chris. I enjoy many hobbies, including programming and climbing. Right now I am trying to progress in the world of Bouldering while also furthering my knowledge in Web Development by learning the MERN fullstack.

Best Climb: V3


Hello, I'm Nicolas but everyone calls me Nico. I really enjoy top-rop climbing and currently trying to get into bouldering. I'm 13 and climbing is my favorite sport. Climbing is my favorite hobby, but I have many others too. I really enjoy making origami, programming, and playing video games.

Best Climb: V4 (Bouldering) & 5.10 (Top Roping)